Acrobatics or “Acro” includes contortion (flexibility) and gymnastic tumbling skills or “passes”, partnering, and hand balancing, It develops the strength and flexibility needed for the execution of skills such as cartwheels, walk-overs, back-hand-springs, and aerials.
Because acrobatic skills are becoming increasingly incorporated into every form of dance, even ballet, all performers should posses acrobatic skills.
Acrobatics for the very young child:
For students up to age 4, Caulfield School of Dance offers our Baby Ballet sessions, and Preschool Ballet and Preschool Stage/Tap courses. These are courses which provide an introduction to dance which includes flexibly training and who-body coordination development. Because contortion/ flexibility is such a crucial element to all forms of dance (with the possible exception of tap) stretching and learning to stretch on one’s own are a part of all dance (except tap) courses.
Acrobatics for Students Ages 4 and up:
Very serious Commercially focused dancers, can train with a Half Day Training option.
Acro Technique Courses:
For ages 4 and up, our Acro Technique courses are once-a-week classes which develop Acrobatic skills to the level of each participant.
Students who attain Acrobatic skills usually get to show them in their performance pieces prepared in their dance courses in any other discipline.
Acro Performing Courses:
All Acro Performance courses are Closed (= by invitation only) and prepare a performance piece for competition(s) and our annual spring stage production.
More information on Acro Technique courses
Most Acro courses are designated “Technique”. All performing Acro courses are Closed and require teacher permission for enrolment. Acro Technique courses teach acrobatic skills with an individualized approach sensitive to the varying levels that can be expressed in any group of children. Gymnastic mats are used for all skills and instructors “spot” (support the manoeuvres by hand or with apparati/tools) until it is safe for them to be attempted on the well sprung dance floors of our studios without spotting.
Acro Technique group courses do not prepare pieces for performing, but those taking Acro have their acrobatic skills incorporated into the performance pieces created in their performing courses.
Private or Semiprivate instruction is available* in all disciplines including Acro to prepare performing pieces or develop skills.
* Subject to scheduling availability.