Pre-registration is required for all Adult Classes including drop-ins. Walk-ins cannot be accepted at this time. Please register using the link below or contact the school for more information.
Register Here
Our expert instructors personalize instruction to support, challenge and inspire adults at a wide variety of abilities. Adult courses are a great way to have fun and relieve stress.
Come alone or with a friend to do something good for yourself and your body!
Adult Ballet
Each class begins with a classical ballet barre followed by exercises in the centre for turning, flowing coordination, and allegro (jumping). Options are available for those preferring low impact.
Adult Ballet Fall 2023 Session: Tuesdays 8:30-9:30
Appropriate for all levels including beginners. Fall session runs Sept. 26 – Dec. 12. Full session is 10 weeks ($216).
Adult Hip Hop
Adult Hip Hop Fall 2023 Session: Tuesdays 7:15-8:15, Thursdays 8:30-9:30
Appropriate for all levels including beginners. Fall session runs Sept 26 – Dec 14. Full session is 11/12 weeks ($198 – Tues, $216 – Thurs.). There is no class Oct 31.
If you are interested in a type of class not shown here, please contact us and let us know. We are sometimes able to add additional courses based on interest.